The week that was (23 March 2017)

- I was interested to read more about the death of Lucky Peach this week in the NY Times. It’s more complicated than first thought, and now appears to be about irreconcilable differences among the owners, rather than sounding the death knell for quality journalism. That said, the article has the slight undertones of an elevator pitch. Are they fishing for someone to pick it up and run with it? Or just protecting their reputations? No comment from Chang.
- I really enjoyed this GT article looking at where Melbourne chefs/restaurateurs/somms would take their 50 Best chef-of-choice for a day. It’s a great read with lots of thoughtful, out of the box suggestions from some great industry peeps – a nice little guide to the underbelly of Melbs. Good Food also had a crack at doing a 50 best, looking at 50 things to eat in Australia – slightly more generic, with what appears to be a little bit of a panic at the end, but worth a squiz nonetheless.
- Not so much, is this article on food trends in the SMH. “Curiously, mono-eaters are on the rise, with the percentage of people who bought the same food every week increasing from 29 to 37 per cent.” Mono-eaters?? Curious doesn’t really cut it …
- But in a case of Baader Meinhof, Adam Liaw had a little to say on "mono-eaters" (I think), in an opinion piece calling recipes out as the listicles of the cooking world: “If you’re halfway interested in cooking, you’ve probably skimmed a dozen recipes this week already, and yet statistically the average home cook rotates through just five dishes – not even enough to get through a full week. Most of the world’s recipes will languish uncooked forever in the depths of the internet.” I think that’s what a mono-eater is. Curiosity abated. The rest of his article was good too. I’ve been thinking a little about the proliferation of recipes in the ether of late. Too many? I mean, mono-eaters aside, how many do we really need? And Liaw is right, the system is a little busted. Cook smart, waste less, enjoy more. 
- On that note, I’m off to celebrate the ton with Lou, our tireless editor and my most wonderful friend. But before I do, I would also like to thank you. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. And thank you to those who have shared this missive with friends and colleagues. I really enjoy the challenge of writing it each week, a challenge that is more keenly felt knowing it is read by you. Merci beaucoup.